Standard and Poor’s Elevates Governance as Credit Factor- TBI Comments
August 13, 2012
When is it Time for a Director to Step Down
January 7, 2013
Standard and Poor’s Elevates Governance as Credit Factor- TBI Comments
August 13, 2012
When is it Time for a Director to Step Down
January 7, 2013

Boards can always improve. Use The Board Institute Indexes to evaluate,
educate, improve and benchmark your board’s effectiveness.

Take the Board Quiz.



Can you demonstrate that your board of directors is doing a good

Do you conduct confidential, peer-to-peer evaluations of your directors?

Does the board set the agenda for the board meetings?

Are you engaged in creating the strategy and spending enough time on
discussing it?

Is your board consistently involved in talent management and
succession planning?

Do you have the right mix of attributes and skills on your board to
optimize your effectiveness?

Do you have impactful, meaningful board discussions about strategy,
people, marketing, finances and risk?

Do you thoroughly understand and regularly challenge the key
assumptions behind management’s proposals?

Do you understand the long term trends and new technologies that
could disrupt your company’s current business model?

Are you confident that your directors understand and are fulfilling
your fiduciary obligations relative to employee benefit plans?

If you answered NO to any of the questions above,
your Board may be at risk.
See how The Board Institute can help. Click here to contact us:

Contact Us



Are your compensation practices vulnerable to, or have
they already been challenged by, a shareholder action, such as a
negative “say on pay?”

Are your compensation committee members or consultants compromised
by relationships that are conflictive?

Has your company had a financial restatement?

Are you at risk of being or have you been downgraded by ISS or other
shareholder groups or rating agencies?

Does your CEO trust you with bad news?

If you answered YES to any of the
questions above, your Board may be at risk, The Board Institute can
help. Click here to contact us:

Contact Us